• A conversation with Margo Taverne

    A conversation with Margo Taverne

    I had a lovely chat with Margo who is one of our long time students at Kuring-gai Yoga. As I begin a series of articles focusing on various students who inspire me and many of our yoga students attending classes. Margo is 89 years old and was born in Indonesia of Dutch parents and at

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  • Setting your Intentions: The Sankalpa

    Setting your Intentions: The Sankalpa

    As I have been focusing quite significantly in my blog posts on matters of the heart and what we can do for ourselves as part of our self care I wanted to offer some suggestions for setting your Intentions, in Yoga ‘speak’ known as a Sankalpa. We use the practice of Setting Intentions and Sankalpa’s

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  • Cultivating Lightness

    Cultivating Lightness

    Cultivating Lightness is a concept in yoga and an approach that can provide an ease and softness in the whole body, and beyond. During my Yoga classes I frequently theme the session or the meditation to follow on this theme of Lightness. Lightness is a quality that relates to all levels of the human experience

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  • Peacefulness begins with Me….

    Peacefulness begins with Me….

    Today on International Day of Peace, but also on every single day …. Consider how you can include more moments of personal peace into your day. Everyday. What can you leave behind and let go of? Breath in – Positive Breath out – Let it go. How many tasks have you packed into your day?

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