Today on International Day of Peace, but also on every single day …. Consider how you can include more moments of personal peace into your day. Everyday.
What can you leave behind and let go of?
- Breath in – Positive
- Breath out – Let it go.
How many tasks have you packed into your day? Are they all essential?
- Breath in – Positive
- Breath out – Let it go.
How many of these tasks/jobs can you delegate to others? Can you give some responsibility to others?
- Breath in – Positive
- Breath out – Let it go.
Do you feel you must be in control of everything? all the time? Can you create more time for you by letting go of something and create more space.
Reclaim your personal power and therefore Personal Peacefulness.
- Breath in – Positive
- Breath out – Let it go.
Is there time during each and everyday to stop, pause, reflect with quiet contemplation. 10 minutes a day?
- Breath in – Positive
- Breath out – Let it go
Can you surround yourself with experiences that give you complete joy and happiness? Everyday simple things that cost nothing.
Take a walk: garden, beach, park.
Stand in the sun
Smell a flower….. you fill the gap!
What gives you joy and happiness?
Everyday Peacefulness
Begins with me.
- Breath in – Positive
- Breath out – Surround yourself with peacefulness.