I recently recorded a Gratitude themed Yoga Nidra Practice.
Inspiration came from a friend who requested this themed session and I looked to a text
Moments of Stillness – Sister Stan.
I always find just what I need in this book and it was gifted to me by one of my yoga students many years ago… its a gem!
The key to Sister Stan’s writing about Gratitude is to look in ‘Wonderment’ at all the simple things in life that are easily overlooked as we go about our day to day lives.
“When we are awake and open to what is within and around us we are ready to receive life to the full”.
Sister Stan suggests that one way to practice gratitude is to ask yourself…
What are my opportunities here?
I view this as a reminder that when life presents us with the mundane and meaningless tasks or the curve ball that turns our world upside down, to be open to the little surprises that often evolve from the situation.
During this Pandemic where people have been spending more time at home and feeling ‘hemmed’ in so many of us found the pleasures in the simple life. Being grateful to be able to spend more time with our children, partner and family! We need to just look and be aware and open to these gifts that present to us, the resultĀ of perhaps a challenging time.
Gratitude is like the sun lighting up the landscape: Not a single leaf or blade of grass is different, but everything looks much more attractive when we look on it with the eyes of gratitude
With much Gratitude for all the wonderful Yoga teachers who I continue to learn from and the students who continually inspire me to keep learning.