We have to nourish our insight into impermanence everyday. If we do, we live more deeply, suffer less, and enjoy life much more – Thich Nhat Hahn
A theme for a Yoga Nidra practice that I delivered recently was focusing on Impermanence and how life is fast and fleeting and change part of our world. Often change is resisted and viewed as a negative force that only brings unhappiness. This might be true for some, but perhaps transformations are a result of change and can deliver wonderful surprises.
So, my thinking for the Yoga Nidra conversation with my students went something like this:
Our lives are impermanent- we have a short time in which to embrace life, to live with joy and with purpose.
There is no time to waste on unuseful thoughts,
Self doubts
Today, lets uplift our thoughts and
focus on our strengths
Embrace our humanness to love
Starting with ourselves.
We are not perfect – but we are content and grateful for this day.
Today, lets welcome the unknown as a gift
in the present moment.
So now, as we settle into the quiet moments
What are you thinking about?
Lets not reflect on what we have done so far
Lets not think about what is yet to come
Reside HERE, Right now.
In the quiet moments pay attention to your thoughts
Breath in – Fill up with happiness, Joy, Space
Breath out – Release any depleting thoughts of Heaviness, weakness, saddness.
Pay affectionate attention to the present moment.